How Can We Help You Today?

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Welcome to the Client Portal

This is the repository for all user documentation relating to IT Vision software, and houses our extensive e-learning opportunities. Our goal is to assist you in finding the information you require as quickly as possible so that you can navigate our products confidently and efficiently.

To access the content contained in the Portal, you will need to have a log in. If you don’t have one, please click the Join Now button. Unlike the Support Site, which is one log in per customer, the Portal requires individuals at a customer site to have a log in. Once your log in has been verified, you will have complete access to user guides, release notes, e-learning opportunities, software updates and training schedules.

For more information on working with IT Vision and the resources available to you please see ‘Customer Essentials’

Customer Essentials

Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP2)

Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP2) expands reporting requirements to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), meaning employers need to capture more detailed information in their payroll software.

We are pleased to provide you with an update in relation to progress on our enhancements to both SynergySoft and Altus Payroll, to ensure compliance with STP2.

Learn More about SynergySoft >>

Learn More about Altus Payroll >>

ATO Tax Tables

On 25 January 2024, the government announced changes to legislated Individual income tax rates and thresholds these are effective from 1 July 2024.

Learn More about SynergySoft >>

Superannuation Guarantee Increase

From 1 July 2024, the super guarantee contribution rate (SG rate) will increase from 11% to 11.5%.

Learn More about SynergySoft >>

Learn More about Altus Payroll >>

Training courses for 2023/24

IT Vision training workshops allow you to refine your skills and learn how to get the most out of your software. They're also your first port of call when onboarding new staff members. Training courses include Payroll, Finance, Rates, Records, Reporting and System Administration. To view all available courses, click here.

Upcoming Events and Meetings

All Upcoming IT Vision Events and User Group Meetings.

View Events
Training Schedules

Information on Training Schedules and On-Demand Recordings through here.

View Schedules
Releases Notes

A full list of all resources can be found here.

View Release Notes
Software Releases
Training Resources